354 research outputs found

    Framework of controlling 3d virtual human emotional walking using BCI

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    A Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is the device that can read and acquire the brain activities. A human body is controlled by Brain-Signals, which considered as a main controller. Furthermore, the human emotions and thoughts will be translated by brain through brain signals and expressed as human mood. This controlling process mainly performed through brain signals, the brain signals is a key component in electroencephalogram (EEG). Based on signal processing the features representing human mood (behavior) could be extracted with emotion as a major feature. This paper proposes a new framework in order to recognize the human inner emotions that have been conducted on the basis of EEG signals using a BCI device controller. This framework go through five steps starting by classifying the brain signal after reading it in order to obtain the emotion, then map the emotion, synchronize the animation of the 3D virtual human, test and evaluate the work. Based on our best knowledge there is no framework for controlling the 3D virtual human. As a result for implementing our framework will enhance the game field of enhancing and controlling the 3D virtual humans’ emotion walking in order to enhance and bring more realistic as well. Commercial games and Augmented Reality systems are possible beneficiaries of this technique. © 2015 Penerbit UTM Press. All rights reserved

    Background Subtraction Methods in Video Streams: A Review

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    Background subtraction is one of the most important parts in image and video processing field. There are some unnecessary parts during the image or video processing, and should be removed, because they lead to more execution time or required memory. Several subtraction methods have been presented for the time being, but find the best-suited method is an issue, which this study is going to address. Furthermore, each process needs to the specific subtraction technique, and knowing this issue helps researchers to achieve faster and higher performance in their research. This paper presents a comparative study of several existing background subtraction methods which have been investigated from simple background subtraction to more complex statistical techniques. The goal of this study is to provide a view of the strengths and drawbacks of the widely used methods. The methods are compared based on their memory requirement, the computational time and their robustness of different videos. Finally, a comparison between the existing methods has been employed with some factors like computational time or memory requirements. It is also hoped that this analysis helps researchers to address the difficulty of selecting the most convenient method for background subtraction


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    Ketahanan keluarga menyangkut kemampuan keluarga dalam mengelola masalah yang dihadapinya berdasarkan sumber daya yang dimiliki untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keluarganya. Salah satu komponen ketahanan keluarga adalah ketahanan ekonomi keluarga yang terdiri dari: a. pendapatan keluarga yang memadai; b. pembiayaan yang memadai untuk pendidikan; dan c. jaminan keuangan keluarga. Namun tidak semua anak mampu menyelesaikan jenjang pendidikan (putus sekolah) dalam mewujudkan program wajib belajar 12 (dua belas) tahun. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa keluarga dalam pemenuhan hak pendidikan anak di Padukuhan Ambarukmo Desa Caturtunggal Kecamatan Depok Kabupaten Sleman tidak sepenuhnya mampu melaksanakan tugas dengan baik sebagaimana kewajiban orang tua dalam menjamin layanan pendidikan baik ditinjau dari konsep ketahanan keluarga maupun tinjauan hukum Islam. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan pendekatan normatif-yuridis. Metode analisis data yang digunakan bersifat deskriptif-analitis, Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan penyusun yaitu dengan teknik observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa orang tua memiliki dua jalur dalam mendidik, membina, membimbing, dan memberikan pendidikan terhadap anak. Pertama Taman Pendidikan Al-Quran (TPA). Jalur kedua pendidikan pada institusi sekolah. Sekolah dinilai memiliki sarana yang mampu memenuhi seluruh kebutuhan anak terhadap ilmu pengetahuan dan penunjang lainnya dibandingkan dengan institusi pendidikan lainnya. Berbeda dengan pendidikan TPA yang cenderung tidak memiliki jenjang tingkat pendidikan, pada jalur ini faktor biaya terkadang menjadi kendala yang sering dihadapi oleh keluarga, sehingga tidak semua anak mampu menyelesaikan jenjang pendidikan mewujudkan program wajib belajar 12 (dua belas) tahun


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    This study aims to investigate the implementation of environmentally friendly operational practices in the healthcare industry. Green operational practices or sustainable practices are acquiring widespread attention in manufacturing and other production-related industries. However, its application in the healthcare sector is still in its infancy, making this study an important addition to the existing body of knowledge, as very few studies have previously investigated the role of green operational practices in a healthcare context. The study analyzed the role of green building, eco-design, green supply chain, and green innovation in determining patient satisfaction by analyzing data collected from hospital administration and patients in Indonesia. All four dimensions of green operational practices positively correlate with patient satisfaction. In addition, the study discovered a correlation between E-CRM practices and patient satisfaction. In addition, the moderating role of green social influence was examined and found to be a positive moderator in the relationships between all four dimensions okokof green operational practices and patient satisfaction, as well as the relationship between E-CRM and patient satisfaction. The study's findings provide valuable insights into the management of the healthcare sector

    Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Budidaya Rumput Laut (Eucheuma Cottonii) Ditinjau Dari Sosial Ekonomi Pembudidaya Di Desa Laju, Kabupaten Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    Rumput laut merupakan komoditas penting perikanan yang memiliki nilai ekonomi cukup tinggi dan manfaatnya yang sangat besar bagi kehidupan manusia, selain sebagai bahan makanan, juga merupakan bahan baku dalam industri pembuatan obat-obatan dan kosmetik sehingga kebutuhan pemanfaatan rumput laut semakin meningkat baik untuk konsumsi dalam negeri maupun untuk permintaan ekspor. Budidaya rumput laut di Kecamatan Langgudu terutama di Desa Laju adalah penghasil rumput laut terbesar dibandingkan dengan Desa-desa lain. Pada tahun 2016 Desa Laju memiliki luas wilayah 48,45 km2, jumlah penduduk 3.696 jiwa dan 936 kepala keluarga dengan rata-rata anggota rumah tangga 4 orang (Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Bima). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui strategi pengembangan usaha budidaya rumput laut E. cottoni di Desa Laju, Kecamatan Langgudu, Kabupaten Bima, NTB. Metode yang digunakan deskriptif kualitatif yaitu dilakukan dengan cara melalui survey, observasi, uji laboratorium. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu melalui wawancara dengan bantuan kuisioner terstruktur dan pengamatan tentang usaha budidaya rumput laut, lingkungan dan masyarakat pembudidaya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan analisis SWOT. Analisis SWOT dilakukan untuk mendapatkan gambaran permasalahan yang terjadi, sehingga dapat dicapai strategi yang tepat dalam pengembangan usaha yang berpengaruh terhadap sosial ekonomi pembudidaya. Analisis keuntungan pada tahun pertama setiap pembudidaya rata-rata memproduksi 6000 kg rumput laut kering setiap tahun dengan harga jual Rp 96.000.000, setelah dikurangi biaya infestasi, biaya produksi dan bunga bank Rp 87.033.600 sehingga memperoleh keuntungan bersih Rp 8.966.400 per tahun atau Rp 747.200 per bulan untuk tahun pertama. Berdasarkan R/C Ratio > 1 = 1,10 (usaha menguntungkan). Pada tahun kedua dan seterusnya memperoleh keuntungan bersih Rp 30.724.800 per tahun atau Rp 2.560.400 per bulan. R/C Ratio > 1 = 1,47 (usaha menguntungkan). Hasil akhir penelitian ini menemukan 12 strategi meliputi: Pemanfaatan lahan yang efisien dan efektif, pengadaan bibit unggul, mengadakan pola kerjasama kemitraan pasar, penyuluh proaktif memfasilitasi/ pendampingan terhadap pembudidaya seperti pembuatan jadwal kegiatan budidaya rumput laut, pembudidaya melalui koperasi dan pabrik memproduksi aneka olahan rumput laut dan mengadakan promosi produk, selalu memfasilitasi perubahan harga ekspor, mengadakan kerjasama dengan pemilik modal seperti bank, investor, eksportir, pabrik terutama koperasi, pemerintah memfasilitasi sarana pendukung, penyusunan peraturan desa, pembuatan rencana detail tata ruang kawasan dan penerbitan izin usaha, pemerintah menetapkan harga produk, antisipasi dengan menyiapkan fasilitas kesehatan seperti kotak P3K atau BPJS, membangun tempat kerja, tempat ibadah, dan tempat istirahat berdekatan dengan lokasi budidaya rumput laut e. cottoni di Desa Laju

    Online health information seeking among people with diabetes mellitus and its association with self-management

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    Diabetes requires dedicated self-management to be able to achieve good control and outcome as this is a lifelong condition. The internet offers an amazing wealth of health information which may influence diabetes self-management. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of online health information seeking among people with diabetes and its associated factors. About 380 participants answered the online health information seeking questionnaire developed from literature search and expert panel review. Diabetes Self-Management was assessed using the Diabetes Self-Management Questionnaire (DSMQ). The prevalence of online health information seeking among people with diabetes was 38.4%. Common information sought included diabetes treatment (82.9%) lifestyle modification (77.4%) and diabetes prevention (67.3%). A large majority (93.1%) felt that the online information on diabetes was useful. Doctors and printed reading materials were the most common sources of information for diabetes (94.2% & 65.3%). Lower median age (59 years, IQR = 11), having a family member with diabetes, (COR = 1.188) tertiary education (COR = 6.037) and those who are employed (COR = 3.880) have higher odds of seeking online diabetes related health information. However, there was no significant association between online health information seeking and diabetes self-management. Prevalence of online health information seeking among people with diabetes was at an acceptable level. However, it was not associated with optimal diabetic self-management. Doctors and printed information remain as popular sources of information and hence should be maintained

    A systematic review of dietary, nutritional, and physical activity interventions for the prevention of prostate cancer progression and mortality

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    PURPOSE: Given the long-term, although potentially fatal, nature of prostate cancer, there is increasing observational evidence for the reduction in disease progression and mortality through changes in lifestyle factors. METHODS: We systematically reviewed dietary, nutritional, and physical activity randomized interventions aimed at modifying prostate cancer progression and disease-specific mortality, including a detailed assessment of risk of bias and methodological quality. RESULTS: Forty-four randomized controlled trials of lifestyle interventions, with prostate cancer progression or mortality outcomes, were identified. Substantial heterogeneity of the data prevented a meta-analysis. The included trials involved 3,418 prostate cancer patients, median 64 men per trial, from 13 countries. A trial of a nutritional supplement of pomegranate seed, green tea, broccoli, and turmeric; a trial comparing flaxseed, low-fat diet, flaxseed, and low-fat diet versus usual diet; and a trial supplementing soy, lycopene, selenium, and coenzyme Q10, all demonstrated beneficial effects. These trials were also assessed as having low risk of bias and high methodological quality (as were seven other trials with no evidence of benefit). The remaining trials were either underpowered, at high or unclear risk of bias, inadequately reported, of short duration or measured surrogate outcomes of unproven relationship to mortality or disease progression, which precluded any benefits reported being reliable. CONCLUSION: Large, well-designed randomized trials with clinical endpoints are recommended for lifestyle modification interventions. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10552-015-0659-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    11th German Conference on Chemoinformatics (GCC 2015) : Fulda, Germany. 8-10 November 2015.

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